Thursday, October 6, 2005


When we were young, we had many dreams, we never thought anything was impossible, we were not afraid to dream anything. However, when we grew up, we slowly began to lose our dreams,we started to accept the "REALITY". We began to accept the constraints and the limitations of this world. We know that there are certain things we can not do, and there are certain things we can't achieve. Did you really think about where these thoughts of impossibility came from? Who told you "You Can" or "You Can't"? I think you know the answer, nobody told you, you told yourself. It is the little voice inside you who said constantly to you that you can't do something, and you always believe what it says. This little voice is your ego, it's meant to protect you from dangers. However its only reference point is your past, it makes every judgment by referring to your past experiences. Therefore, everything it told you is based on your past experiences, not reality. I still have dreams and the little kid inside of me still there.