Thursday, October 6, 2005


When we were young, we had many dreams, we never thought anything was impossible, we were not afraid to dream anything. However, when we grew up, we slowly began to lose our dreams,we started to accept the "REALITY". We began to accept the constraints and the limitations of this world. We know that there are certain things we can not do, and there are certain things we can't achieve. Did you really think about where these thoughts of impossibility came from? Who told you "You Can" or "You Can't"? I think you know the answer, nobody told you, you told yourself. It is the little voice inside you who said constantly to you that you can't do something, and you always believe what it says. This little voice is your ego, it's meant to protect you from dangers. However its only reference point is your past, it makes every judgment by referring to your past experiences. Therefore, everything it told you is based on your past experiences, not reality. I still have dreams and the little kid inside of me still there.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Napa wine tasting and photography trip.

Finally I have time to write about our trip to Napa Valley on July 16, 2005. The weather was nice that Saturday, it was a 105 degree in Sacramento so we were glad that we escape heat. I wish the weather was cooler so we can do more photography. I just lost all the patient standing under the hot sun, but I gather myself to take a couple of good shots.
1 stop: Stags Leap - their wine is alright not too impressive, so I got nothing to say.
2 stop: Miner Vineyards – Their Viognier is the best smell good and very refreshing. I love their Cabs it has 11% Cabernet Frac which made the Cab has a little bit of sweet in it. It is perfect for me.
3 stop: Lunch Time at A&W
4 stop: Silver Oak – Finally I can taste their Cabs. The Alexander Valley 100% Cab was the best 100% Cab wine I ever tasted. I can’t resist to buy a bottle.
5 stop: Opus One - Perfect red but way over price.
6 stop: Dinner and I forgot the name, food is alright.

Monday, July 4, 2005

Crazy Housewarming

I had a lot of fun during this July 4th weekend. Crazy housewarming party, fireworks, BBQ, and jet ski on the river. The happy hours always go fast than you wanted, so much fun that I can’t use words to express the joy I had on this weekend. My house still has all the laughter and happiness that my dearest friends had brought. I can't wait for the next house party.
Will you come?

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Back in the game.

Yesterday 6/29/2005 was the first day I get back to cycling. 45 minutes of fast ride (20 mph) is tough (yeah it is aging), hopefully will do better for now on.
I have been putting it down about 6 years now. I been training hard in gym just to make sure I can get back to the game. After years and years of smoking it is hard for me, and quitting smoke is the best thing I did for myself this year. Hopefully I will ride an average of 50 mils a week. My goal is the summit of Mountain Diablo.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Night Shoot

This is the second event 6/24/2005 for our Sacramento Photography Group. I went there around 8:30pm, at first we went the the left side of the bridge but the view and angle was not nice at all. Therefore we went to Old Sac to get a better view and we did. Not a lot of member show up, but I did get some nice shoot of the bridge. I need this picture for our Group main page picture. A job well done for me (I guess).

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Where is the Courage to Change?

Are you happy being what you have or don't have? A lot of people don't have the courage to change their life. We all have something we need to change, a job situation, a relationship, a hairstyle, but we usually don’t do anything about it until the status quo becomes unbearable. And some of us would even go as far as accepting it as fact. As a result we complain endlessly about our situation.
And sometime we stay where we are because we think it is good enough.
Yes, the art of contentment right, but is it good is good enough? How about great and best? Don't you want things better than good? All of us would like a better life. And all of us are afraid of the changes necessary to make life better.
So where do we get the courage to change?
I wish I have an answer!

"If nothing ever changed, there will be no butterflies."

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The "One"

I went to Irene and Greg's wedding on 6/18/05. I know Irene in 6th grade and we went to the same high school. I am very happy for them it is like a fairy tale story. I wish some day I have my fairy tale story too and happy ever after. Seeing friends getting married one by one just make me wonder why is it that hard for me to find the one. Is it I have a very high standard and picky or the "one" haven't come yet?

What do you think?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Feel It...

"I hear the words, and then I get to thinking...I don't wanna think, I wanna feel..." Pearl Jam
Stop thinking it could stab the heart like a knife but why not think about it could carve wonderful images into the soul that will last a lifetime.

Something is happening

I just got a strength feeling ...
Something going to happen ...
That would change my life ...
But I can't figure out what it is.

Maybe it is my imagination ... or a ghost in me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Swim Meet 6/25 - 6/26

I was shooting swimming on the last weekend at
Pleasant Hill. This time it has twelve hundreds kids and about 130 sign up. I am the main photographer there and I shot most of them. It is hard because I am not a morning person. I have to wake up at 6 o'clock and work till 4pm for both days. Luckily it was nice weather, I still remember couple year ago it was over 100 degree that was tough.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

The Art of Being Single

Being SingleToo often people want what they want, or think they want at the moment, which is usually "happiness" right now. The irony of their impatience is that only by learning to wait, and by willingness to accept the bad with the good do we usually attain those things that are truly worthwhile. I have a blessing which is sometimes seen as a curse. I am blessed with the gift of being single. For most of the twenty-something young professionals, it seems the world has already come up with it's own set of expectations on how we should live life. The world expects us to finish school in our early twenties, get a job, find the love of our lives by the time we reach our mid-twenties, marry and have kids. But the thing is, not everyone sees their dreams come true in the same way. In this article, I shall try to endeavor to change the way the world looks at being single.
The Art of Contentment.For most of us, being single will be more of a phase than a final destination. This is the best place to practice the art of contentment.Someday, I'm sure most of us will fall in love and get married. But the thing is, love will always be tested. Someone more handsome,beautiful, more charming, richer, funnier, sweeter would come along. If you have not practiced the art of contentment as a single person, chances are you would be tempted to want that and not cherish your chosen one.Practicing the Art of Contentment as a single person means that you take what life gives you, good or bad, you're willing to see it through. It means you don't walk away everytime things get tough because it builds in you patience, perseverance, understanding and a hundred different virtues that people in a hurry will never have. Being single means you would find how it feels to be alone thus, allowing you to cherish every moment you spend with your chosen one. The art of contentment means you wouldn't mind if life had to make you wait for so long to find the love of your life, because you know that the waiting would only make the finding much sweeter.
A Time to Know Yourself Better.Being single is a time of your life when you can get to know yourself better. You can pursue different interest and passions without having to ask another person's approval. It is a phase when you can keep focus on other things, discover your potentials and talents, and see yourself become more than what you expect to be. Allow yourself to surprise you.Stop wasting precious energy trying to figure out why you're still romantically unattached. It's all in the mind. Take the time to go see your friends, spend time with your family, do charity work and you will realize that you are not, and never for one moment, was alone. Try to get to know yourself first before you try to get to know other people.To be truly loved means to be known and accepted for who you are. How do you expect other people to know you and to love you, when you don't know who and what you really are?
A Choice Between Good and Best.Sometimes the dilemmas we face are not between what is absolutely bad and absolutely good. Sometimes, it's between good and best. Treat this stage of your life as a phase to evaluate who is good for you and who is best for you. Sometimes, you won't hear music, or feel magic to know who's best for you. The heart just knows and it doesn't need any romantically charged scenario to decide on the matter. Trust in your heart, and trust that time will eventually lead you to, not to the perfect partner, but to the most suitable partner for you. Being single is a phase of life that we need to be thankful for, because being single means our hearts have yet to choose the best one for us.
Almost a non-committal.Jane Austen once wrote, that it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man (or in our times a woman), in possession of a good fortune is in search of a spouse (just to be politically correct). Well, that was what the old school wanted us to believe in. Married life is a path most of us would take, however, it is not the only path there is.Relieve yourself of the pressure and stop making every single, straight guy friend a prospect. You have no business "entrapping" them and asking (which is more like "putting a gun in the head") them of their exclusive attention, if you're not ready for commitment yourself. Sometimes, when you spend too much time trying to find a boyfriend, you normally end up marrying the first loser who comes to your door.
Take your time, the world will wait.Being married doesn't guarantee that it will make your life happy. It doesn't guarantee anything at all. Sometimes, it only brings two miserable people together only to make their life even more miserable.Without the right intention, the emotional maturity, financial security and of course, unwavering love, you're better off unattached.
Living Life.Don't put your life on hold for Mr. and Mrs. Right but don't let it waste away with Mr.or Mrs. Wrong. Life is about things that you do and happen to you everyday. It's not about the things that could have happened but never did, or things that you think would happen in the future. Live life now. Live it to the fullest and stop beating yourself up, trying to be perfect on a Saturday night date. Allow life to surprise you with it's most wonderful blessings.